As mention above, main goal of this program is to save your time,This is not a hack so, no free diamonds, free resources, army, etc... It is focused to save your time and nothing elseExample:We all know how much time is needed and boring to search enemy holdings on global map.You can spend hours searching and even then not to be sure did you cover all search correct.With this program you can scan global map and filter results in few minutes.So far it has next functionalities:- Alarms(village(Free) and alliance)- Map Scanner (user account, alliance, resource, barbarian modes)- Time travel Calculator(Free)- Time Calculator(Free)- Distance Calculator(Free)- Barbarian hunter(Auto hunter for Barbarians)- NPC hunter(Independent cities auto attacker)- Auto bank- Mass Espionage report monitoring(Show army changes in mass espionage report)- Profile statistic monitoring(Show changes of profile statistic)- NPC castle army monitoring( shows changes of Independent Alliance Castle army)- Auto Bank- Strategy attacks(Saving multiple attacks on multiple accounts or single account and sending them at once(even from multiple browsers))- Strategy relocations(Same as Strategy attacks but for relocations)- Strategy patrols(Moving army back and forth between provinces)- Counter Espionage monitoring- Auto collecting vassals goldAll implemented options are made minimal for now, since Mjolnir is very young And waiting for improvement to complexity.Main Future planned options for implementation (this list does not include all options(small options))- Market bot.- Transport bot.- Build bot.- Army training bot.- Peer to peer connecting the members so they can guard remote io accounts and combine team play( like attacking same target from multiple computers at once.. etc... ).- Peer to peer connecting Mjolnir and your mobile device so you can control it from remote location,(good for realms which are not supported by imperia mobile phone applicaiton).- Anti-Captcha system(ability to use various online anti captcha sevices to solve "I am not robot" silently.- Language support for interface
Imperia online script download
Installation tutorial can be found on this linkNow few words about account banning.There is an always chance that you got ban for your account even if you are not using any script,program. So there is a chance for you to be banned even if you use the programProgram is not allowed for use by imperia game. That is something you should be aware ofbefore you decide to use it or not.I had great experience while using it and want to give other chance to rise game quality tohigher level. Where every mistake in game can be charged and punished and force your enemy not to make same mistake in order to survive your presence.If you decide to use it. Have fun. :) 2ff7e9595c